Thursday, August 30, 2012

bundle project - 4 months on

In April we (the Broadstrokes) in collaboration with Tricia Smout as part of her artist in residency program at the Mt Coo-tha Gardens embarked on our bundle project. We each assembled three bundles, one bundle hung in the Mt Coo-tha Gardens, one bundle hung at home and the third bundle was buried in our home gardens. My bundle at home hung on the side fence, it's quite an exposed section of the garden. 
The below bundle hung in the Mt Coo-tha Gardens and in a more sheltered area so the changes were slight
Our bundles hanging together at the Mt Coo-tha Gardens
The buried bundle was the one with the most dramatic change. Even the worms had started to move in.
We have chickens so our garden does get quite a bit of organic matter. 
Using the bits n pieces from our bundles we will now each make an A3 size signature for a collaborative book and an individual item/book. They will be on display in November as part of Tricia's end of residency exhibition. Tricia currently has an international call for participation in an Air-Mail Envelope Project and a Focus on Nature Project - full details on how to participate are here

Thursday, August 23, 2012

a few moments from "Sunday Drives"

Gathering together a few of the moments so far
Exhibition concludes this weekend, it's been so nice to see it all come together and many many thanks to my visitors and collectors. Exhibition continues until 4pm this coming Sunday 26th August 2012
at Gallery 159, 159 Payne road, The Gap, Brisbane
Gallery open Saturday & Sunday 11am - 4pm

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a slice of velvet

 Enjoying a little bit of baking. Made a red velvet cake 
the cream cheese and white chocolate icing is delicious
and a little bit of lace today to celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

featured in 'Textile Fibre Forum' magazine

 Very excited to be featured in the current issue (volumn 31, Issue 3, No.107) 
of 'Textile Fibre Forum' Magazine.

A three page article featuring images of the textile works currently being exhibited as part of my  
solo exhibition - 'Sunday Drives' the images are accompanied by narrative of the journey, inspiration and ideas that has driven the body of work for the exhibition.
exhibition continues until Sunday 26th August at Gallery 159
159 Payne Road, The Gap, Brisbane
Gallery open Saturdays and Sundays 11am - 4pm 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day Trip - Enjoying the Moreton Bay Region

We headed north yesterday and had an enjoyable time visiting galleries and lunch by the sea. 
Our first stop was the Pine Rivers Art Gallery to see the State of the Art - Retrospective (which I have a piece in) and the Baltic Miniatures exhibitions. So much talent - very inspiring. 

We then went across to the Redcliffe City Art Gallery to see a collection of works by the Reddy Art Textile Group. The exhibition is called 3 Piece Suite and features textile and mixed media artworks by the following artist: Jill Burgess, Donna Davis, Sue Duffy, Diane Flint, Helen Forrest, Susan Pietsch, Judith McKinlay and Brenda Wood. Each artists collection includes 3 pieces of related work in three different forms. An amazing collection of works - wonderful. The exhibition continues until Saturday 25th August.

 It was then time for lunch and we stumbled across a wonderful little espresso bar that also serves food. 
We got ours as takeaway and popped across the road and sat beside the waters edge. 
Perfect coffee and the food was fresh and very very yummy.
a beautiful sunny day
as well as relaxing and inspiring

Friday, August 3, 2012

Hooray, we hung my solo exhibition today

Wonderful husband and I went across and hung my first Solo exhibition - "Sunday Drives" today.
It's so good to see it all come together. The exhibition opens tomorrow 4th August and continues through to Sunday 26th August at Gallery 159, 159 Payne Road, The Gap QLD Australia.
Gallery open Saturdays and Sundays 11am - 4pm

 I'm looking forward to the opening night which is this coming Sunday 5th August 2012 at 3.30pm
Hope to see you there
All welcome
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