My confidence when drawing/sketching isn't the same as it is when I'm working with textiles, photos, stitch and collage. It's been in back of my mind that my next creative growth steps would include breaking down this barrier and embrace drawing/sketching. Sometimes when it's meant to be, the right tools appear and this is certainly the case when I stumbled across a link to
Urban art Binge
Everything about the workshop appealed. My recent first solo exhibition
'Sunday Drives' drew inspiration from my immediate surrounds. So to be building my confidence towards drawing through a workshop which incorporates live sketching sessions around my home town is a perfect opportunity. The format
of the workshop is two sessions per week for 6 weeks - one session in
the studio and the second out in the field sketching various
Brisbane landmarks, locations & events.
The workshops are co-ordinated by talented and inspiring local artists
Emily Fong and Joannah Underhill

Each week Emily and Jo have shared with us many techniques, guided and inspired us to have a go, built our confidence thus ultimately enabling us to enjoy the journey. So far we have live sketched at the Home Festival, Queens Street Mall and Boggo Road Jail and we still have a couple of weeks left in our block to enjoy and continue growing. The next workshop block will be starting on the 15th October 2012, go to Urban Art Binge for full details/enrole.