Sunday, September 29, 2013

it's like china

stamen & petals of pink succulent flower
pink succulent flower image by melforrest
pink succulent flower
night flowering succulent flower
macro detail of pink flower
Taking a moment to enjoy natures' gifts, I noticed the bud forming yesterday and it bloomed overnight. The flower is so delicate and elegant; it reminds me of precious china. A beautiful flower that usually only lasts one to two days.

 Related Posts:

Pink flowering succulent

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

just because...

 it draws us in to play and discover
 surround us everywhere, everyday
has many layers
 intrigues us to explore the unknown / the forbidden
inspires us to keep on going even when it hasn't yet worked - to keep discovering
currently enjoying exploring, altering & layering various images from my image library
expanding on a stories / making new stories
inspiration everywhere, everyday

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

coffee & cake

creative time is extending to the kitchen
whipping up coffee & pecan cupcakes
with butter icing and soft toffee on top
a moment of culinary indulgence.
Here's the link to the Coffee and Walnut Cupcake recipe I used.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Quilt and Textile Temptations

 Quilt Group Inner City Circle (ICC) had our bi-annual show last Saturday.
This year we had a slightly different format for the show. We featured our quilts, had a sales table full of hand crafted goodies, unveiled the challenge and this year we also had several demonstrations including felting, up-cycling, jazzing up t-shirts and image transfer. We also had a live project with the girls from PPP (Purple Paddo Patchers) making a quilt in a day.  

 Visitors to the show also received a cuppa, something sweet and a couple of sandwiches.
Several of Marrys' beautiful tea cosys decorated the tables.
The Broadstroke girls also displayed a selection of their mixed media works and Mel (me) with a selection of my Spoonflower fabrics as well as demonstrating fabric collage and glue image transfer.
We had a beautiful day and the weather was perfect.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

large scale project

 We've been adding color to our humble home
 we have a a rising tide of blue as we firstly sand then paint our way round
 always under the watchful eye of madam supervisor
 the weekends have been perfect painting weather recently, so we're about half way round with the first coat
we're using an exterior house paint from Luxury Paints
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