Thursday, October 30, 2014

a collection of recent moments

 enjoying a spring garden including these flowering geraniums
 our house supervisor of 15 years, her name is Bobbin
 enjoying the new kitchen, adapted from a recipe first seen on Masterchef
salmon wrapped in banana leaf steamed then framed with leek and potato soup
adorned with salmon skin crackle, lightly fried greens and a shaving of Parmesan
engaging with garden visitors
 re-purposed gutters nailed to the side of the shed overflow with juicy strawberries
 getting ready for the upcoming BVAC Pop Up Shop
Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd November 2014
in the Auditorium at Mt Coot-tha Botanical Gardens
and baking a few of our favorites
-these are a few of our recent moments-

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

sinking our toes into Aquaponics

We both enjoy our garden, it's an extension of the studio. A creative space to spend time sketching, reading or photographing each season brings new inspirations and surprises. Our latest garden venture is with Aquaponics which is a combination of aquaculture and horticulture. Fish swim happily in the bottom tank their waste is pumped up to the grow bed that sits on top of the tank, the grow medium and the plants process the by-products resulting in fresh water going back to the fish and lots of fresh herbs, Asian & salad greens and vegetables for us and our hens.

Clever husband with the help of Vic (Chris's hubby) & Dad set the tanks up earlier this year. They adapted two of those IBC tanks to become two systems both of which have Jade Perch in the bottom. Husband has since set-up a third system which has red-claw (a type of crayfish) in it. We have now had the systems for three seasons, we've both been very happy not only with the taste and amount of produce the system produces but also with how well the up keep fits around our day job hours. It takes 12-18months for the Jade Perch to reach plate size so it's a few months away before we'll farm those in the meantime we'll keep enjoying the other goodies. Here's couple of resources that we have found helpful for information / supplies: &

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

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