Thursday, April 25, 2019

5 Simple ways to enjoy everyday pleasures

A creative life means as we journey through our routine we gather moments of inspiration. Creative opportunities are present throughout our day; incorporating creative time into our daily routines is often easier than we think.

Creativity everywhere, everyday

Creative living seems to parallel with slowing down, a conscious choice, and not always an easy one, but with time it leads to more significant inspiration, appreciation, and calmness, in time becoming a way of life. Creativity surrounds use everywhere, every day; here are some tools to help you slow, see and enjoy:
    1. Breathe - when life races ahead, pause and take a deep breath. Really feel the air coming into your body; by focusing on each breath, you bring yourself back to the present. 
      2. Be present - be mindful of whatever you're doing at that moment. When your mind starts to wonder off, take a breath and gently bring yourself back to the present. Focus on the moment, the environment, hear the sounds and observe the colours, shapes and textures that surround you.
        See, slow and enjoy nature, slow living
        3. Embrace Nature - many of us are in day-jobs and spend much of the day in an office and commuting, getting some outside time can be tough. Start with getting up a half hour early and head outside to walk, to breath, watch the sunrise, hear the birds and other noises, visit a local park, touch the tree bark, or just sit in a new spot while having your morning coffee.

        slowliving, monotasking, being present

        4. Mono-task - In today's busy world we often find ourselves doing multiple things at once. Studies have shown that mono-tasking promotes deep thinking and increases productivity. Start to focus on one thing at a time, when you feel the urge to break away to other tasks, pause, take a breath, and gently pull yourself back. Start doing this during the creative time, experience a new freedom.
          5. Find pleasure in every day - this relates to being present and mono-tasking but taking it a step further. Whatever you're doing, be fully present and appreciate every aspect of it. Find an enjoyable angle even when doing the dishes, hanging out the washing or cooking the weeknight meal, take a moment to see the lines, colours, textures and shapes in front of you. When doing the nightly cook, how would it chance the task if you used a different method to cook or served the meal on a plate usually reserved for best occasions? Have a go at cooking by colour, for example, tonight everything on the plate is green etc. sees if it changes how you feel about the task. Does it give you ideas for other projects?

            In a world where time is precious, let's not forget to enjoy the time that we do have. 

            Creativity surrounds us everywhere in our every day surrounds; allow yourself to slow, see and enjoy.  

            As creatives, our productivity doesn't just depend on speed and efficiency. It also depends on our creativity, intuition and innovation, and these things need space to flourish. 

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            1. Go, Mel! Hope the trip is going well & you're taking lots of photos & that we'll see some of them on you Blog.

              1. The road trip is going really well, the outback is very inspiring. I'm taking lots of photos and gathering lots of moments. Will certainly share a few on the blog:)


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